Friday, October 05, 2007

Opening Office 2007 Packages

Embarassing, yet true

This is the second time I have nearly cut my fingers off trying to get into the new Microsoft Office 2007 packaging. So, as embarassing as it is, I am making a quick note here of the process.

1. Remove the red and clear label on the side of the fancy clear case.
2. Remove (or at least break the seal) of the completely clear circular label at the top.
3. Pull the red tab sticking out of the case on the top.

I know, I know, it really doesn't sound that complicated, and yet, there are several of us here who couldn't figure that out for the longest time. . .so I have to ask. . is it really necessary to do that? To make it sooooo hard to get into? I mean, come on!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Access 2007 Issues With Spec Sheets

Two fixes for Today

We have recently installed Office 2007 on new computers we are ordering, and our Spec Sheet that all of our cutomer reps use would not open. It turns out that there are two fixes that must be applied.

First, we have to set Access to not show the "Action Queries"
  • Click on the Office 2007 symbol on the top left
  • Click on the "Access Options" button at the bottom right
  • Go to the Advanced Tab
  • Look Under the Editing and Confirm options
  • Uncheck the third box down, "Action queries"

Second, we also need to change the Trust Center Settings

  • Click on the Office 2007 symbol on the top left
  • Click on the "Access Options" button at the bottom right
  • Go to the Trust Center Tab
  • Click on the link to go to the Trust Center Settings on the right
  • Click on the Trusted Locations option
  • Put a check in the box to "Allow trusted locations on my network"
  • Add the location (server) of the Spec Sheet

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Intenet Explorer 7 Hack and Interesting Website

FTP hack for IE 7

I needed for some of my users to be able to open FTP sites up by default in Windows Explorer rather than as a website. I am sure this is much less secure, but since when do we really care much about security around here.

It takes a registry hack:

Name: iexplore.exe
Data: 0x0 (default) or 0x1

Restart PC and it takes FTP sites right to Explorer

Intesting Website

I ran across a website that I really want to work through today as I was reading some email. I want to remember this one, and use it, and perhaps even suggest it to others. I don't know much about it yet, and the name, Hacker High School, is perhaps not quite right.