Friday, November 16, 2007


Today I am playing with gOS in the hopes that we can use it here for a stand-alone web application station. This is also the much talked about OS that is coming pre-installed on the new WalMart $200 PCs that we keep hearing about.

At first glance, I like it. It has a Mac/Doc looking app running along the bottom of the desktop with links to most web applications that I think the typical user/teenager would want.

I just need a workstation here where employees can surf the web and check their email during lunch in our lunchroom, so this seems to be a perfect fit. I got the live distro, so I figure it is realatively safe to continue running it from the CD drive. We will shut the PC off overnight and reboot it each morning.

I am having some trouble getting it to recognize the crappy nic on this old home PC I am working on, but I will get it eventually. I will post more once I have had some time to play around with this a bit more.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Backup Changes on Graphics Server & Spooler changes

Backup Changes

I was studying for my 70-290 this weekend by reading through some chapters in my Microsoft Press book. As I was reading and actually beginning to understand some of the backup information, I realized I need to make a couple of changes to my backup schedule here at work.

I was again convinced that I need to do a bi-weekly normal/full backup of the main graphics server, and then run Differential backups each night for the next two weeks. This insures that I need only the full backup tapes (of which there are 2) and the differential tape in case of a system failure.

I thought I had set this, but it turns out I was running incremental backups and so I switched that today.

I also turned off the verify switch. I had sort of thought before that I didn't really need to do it, but with the new tapes I just got, it seems silly.

Spooler Changes
I changed the location of the spooler on the main server. It was on the C drive, it is now on E:\spool\PRINTERS.