So I can remember what I did, I am listing the steps I took to setup my switch:
1. Plug in the modem cable that came with the switch to a computer on-site and the switch console port.
2. Plug in power adapter.
3. Connect to the switch via HyperTerminal if using Windows XP, if using Vista, you will have to download a terminal emulation program. In HyperTerminal setup a new connection with the following settings:
- Baud rate - 9,600 bps
- Data bits - 8
- Parity - none
- Stop bit - 1
- Flow control - none
4. Typed in user and put in the values given. Then typed ezconfig.
5. I setup the network parameters, giving the switch its network address.
6. Logged out of HyperTerminal and logged into the switch via the web to finish the configuration.