Ever since hearing about this great little tool from Steve Gibson's Security Now! podcasts I have gotten a ton of use out of Hamachi.
I needed to access my desktop from outside our NAT at my last job. I needed to let an Exchange consultant into our server here for a one time fix. I needed to change a setting on my backup job here on a server, but I was at home. I wanted to check my email from an insecure wireless access point in a public location.
There are times when you need a VPN solution that is not over complex or expensive, like the instances mentioned above. I have found that in these times, Hamachi does everything that I need it to do.
If you are new to VPN entirely, I recommend this site to help you get your head around the idea. If you know what a VPN is and you know you need one, give Hamachi a try. It is easy to install, very easy to use, and best of all, it is free for personal use.
Also, I highly recommend a subscription to Steve Gibson's Security Now podcast for anyone new to computer support who needs to get up to speed on all things security related.